Financial Summary - Uniqa Asigurari De Viata Sa
Unique identification code: 1589754
Registration number: J40/23525/1992
Nace: 6511
Sales - Ron
Net Profit - Ron
The most important financial indicators for the company Uniqa Asigurari De Viata Sa - Unique Identification Number 1589754: - euro, registering a net profit of 10.716.678 euro and having an average number of 373 employees. Firma isi desfasoara activitatea in domeniul Activitati de asigurari de viata having the NACE code 6511.

Indicatori Financiari Alte Tipuri Juridice - SOCIETATI DE ASIGURARI

2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
CAEN 6511 6511 6511 6511 6511 6511 6511 6511 6511 6511
Imobilizari necorporale 2.929.196 3.264.321 5.715.297 6.618.691 6.929.833 6.766.935 6.130.624 5.822.202 5.121.199 4.208.939
Imobilizãri corporale si stocuri 195.543 75.560 141.767 109.455 84.708 498.074 419.649 436.494 333.456 533.553
Casa si conturi la banci 643.030 1.661.394 6.510.138 2.856.130 5.740.309 9.428.489 12.333.676 9.144.341 8.776.302 20.348.088
Cheltuieli in avans 2.477.015 22.487.258 34.981.599 46.408.905 64.378.595 21.260.222 30.328.607 41.293.775 58.127.549 86.575.064
Capital si rezerve - Total 25.836.934 34.444.815 34.671.345 43.549.311 53.532.523 65.734.450 69.994.502 70.030.739 80.676.437 80.747.416
Capital social 38.457.571 49.560.571 49.560.571 54.983.971 54.983.971 54.983.971 54.983.971 54.983.971 54.983.971 54.983.971
Capital subscris varsat 38.457.571 49.560.571 49.560.571 54.983.971 54.983.971 54.983.971 54.983.971 54.983.971 54.983.971 54.983.971
Rezerve din reevaluare 11.961.071 11.961.071 11.961.071 11.961.071 11.961.071 7.884.969 7.617.911 7.089.119 7.089.119 7.089.119
Rezerve 7.401.257 7.401.257 881.440 1.054.168 1.553.329 1.864.007 2.100.550 2.115.184 2.762.416 3.440.386
Rezerve tehnice 9.503.852 42.580.791 68.363.931 89.442.051 122.242.958 89.552.210 124.747.958 174.156.551 229.787.547 302.967.814
Provizioane - 226.225 205.421 91.265 497.018 5.677.515 864.489 859.063 0 0
Plasamente - Total 33.122.273 54.003.886 63.582.456 85.879.358 101.496.211 124.611.771 144.507.497 185.834.787 234.220.083 266.548.887
Datorii 7.821.447 10.217.062 10.263.181 12.732.036 9.534.829 12.418.678 11.059.489 14.294.961 24.678.429 46.325.183
Rezultatul tehnic al asigurarilor de viata Profit 0 0 143.793 4.568.741 8.684.641 6.235.862 4.674.191 274.722 12.754.207 13.406.565
Rezultatul tehnic al asigurarilor de viata Pierdere 4.225.208 1.916.443 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Venituri totale 11.258.722 71.568.103 86.806.379 68.438.776 93.301.157 102.854.955 99.741.769 133.521.406 167.535.104 194.277.180
Cheltuieli totale 15.483.930 74.063.222 86.579.848 64.984.210 83.317.945 96.641.394 95.010.913 133.228.728 154.590.461 180.717.783
Profit brut 0 0 226.531 3.454.566 9.983.212 6.213.561 4.730.856 292.678 12.944.643 13.559.397
Plasamente in imobilizari corporale si in curs 21.752.285 21.661.058 21.109.191 20.557.324 20.005.458 15.414.743 13.189.782 8.893.424 8.665.792 8.399.314
Pierdere bruta 4.225.208 2.495.119 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Profit net 0 0 226.531 3.454.566 9.983.212 4.651.981 4.260.052 36.235 10.645.698 10.716.678
Pierdere neta 4.225.208 2.495.119 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Numar mediu de salariati 30 38 362 397 445 493 516 508 477 373
Plasamente detinute la entitatile afiliate, entitatile asociate, entitati controlate in comun si alte plasamente in imobilizari financiare - - - - - 130.242 126.442 100.000 102.821 100.000
Plasamentele detinute la societatile afiliate si sub forma de interese de participare si alte plasamente in imobilizari financiare 342.035 309.992 137.753 138.533 136.223 - - - - -
Alte plasamente financiare 11.027.953 32.032.836 42.335.512 65.183.501 81.354.530 109.066.786 131.191.273 176.841.363 225.451.470 258.049.573
Partea din rezervele tehnice aferente contractelor cedate in reasigurare 282.100 44.624 22.174 12.327 42.093 129.727 274.341 652.691 839.900 1.113.333
Creante 3.531.518 5.946.821 5.858.972 7.394.227 10.608.065 14.229.337 16.274.316 19.872.079 31.454.046 54.448.083

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